The next installment ...!! this is our hall room, with a lovely beige vitrified tile - the story of how I got this is funny ....
I loved this particular colour and design from the beginning .. but both shops we approached told me that it was not in stock, unavailable..so i actually put it off my mind, and went for something else... we r tiling all the rooms, except the utility, kitchen and bathrooms, with this particular tile.. if you notice, all the rooms open into the hall..so this way, the entire house would look bigger ...and it was less of a pain this way !!!
SO we ordered 65 boxes of the tile I chose, which was actually a light straw colour with a light-brown design ... a week after the tiles were scheduled to arrive, we find out that there is no stock available for another 1 and half months...!! so away we go to the main office ... they say the same thing and it was all gloom and doom... then they asked us if we would consider choosing another one...and they point to a few options, my original choice, the first among them!!!!!
So we 'magnanimously' decided to accept this one in exchange and came away...
This is my kitchen tile - Looooove it... wanted and earth/ terracota type and I jumped for joy when i found this one.. It is laid in a diagonal pattern . The small opening that lay beyond connects to my work table and bay window area, where the same tiles will continue in a normal pattern.

the floor of our guest bathroom, with the washing machine nook raised a bit. None of the floors have been grouted as yet ..