Wow ..an award from a new friend from the blogosphere... also she resides in a neighboring state, as I just discovered...Sudharshana has a very interesting lifestyle blog.. check it out... She is a very doting mom and seems to share a few of my interests like reading, cooking, and yes..blogging...
The rules for this great award are as follows.......
1. Show the award logo in your post.
2. Pick a picture you have with your kiddo(s).
3. Post should include your best experience as a Mom.
4. Nominate other blogger mom's out there that you consider the best mom, like yourself
My apologies for not posting a picture..
I had a great pregnancy upto two weeks before my due date. Then my daughter arrived in the world with an emergency ceasarian.. the next four days were anxious ones since she had to be admitted to the NICU. But since then, I have had so many memorable moments, that it is really difficult to name just one... the first time I lay eyes on her was really memorable, but life has been so enriched by her presence, that every day is beautiful ...........seeing a lot of my dad, sis, me , my husband in her, a sweet hop skip and jump, an unexpected kiss, a sudden 'Amma I loooveuuuu'...so many such moments what's not to Love and savour....???
As for Moms........ This is for ALL the fellow bloggers who are moms (or caregivers) listed as followers of my blog and whO I follow in turn... and also those special moms who visit my blog.........

Please all moms, do collect the 'Best Mom Award' as your due. I cannot rightly choose just a few since all of you fellow bloggers are such beautiful people, I feel you all deserve this...
Super CONGRATS to you...and to all the MOMS :)