Saturday, March 7, 2009

Another surprise !! - The Gauntlet

I won another giveaway by Tammy, whose blog is called AutismLearningFelt. I was very interested when I saw her review of the book ..and any way, wherever there is a good book, I follow...!!

So I am just thrilled . Please visit Tammy's blog to get an insight into living life with an Autistic kid. 


  1. Hi Swapna~
    How is everything going for you in India??
    WOW computers sure make the world small ~~A good thing~
    Thanks on the bombshell(:) Oh yes some of those racie vintage photos are a hoot(:)
    glad you came over and I would love a serving of that cheesy dish you made in the micro(:)
    LOOKS delish..~!!

  2. Congrats on the win!

    I have an award for you on my craft blog...

  3. Whose Tammy? I am a committee member of Autism Speaks in Austin. Know a friend who has an austistic child, thts how i got into it.

  4. Hi Jithin,
    I'm Tammy. It is always nice to meet someone who supports awareness for Autism.
